Stewart of Canada Coat of Arms

William Stewart
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

This page links to some of the things I've worked on.  Feel free to contact me at wstewart at williamstewart dot com.



  • Institute For Practical Project Management – The IFPPM is a Canadian federally registered non-profit organization dedicated to provision of practical project management resources, training, and certification, at Access is provided completely free on registration from anyone with an email address at one of the organizations in the free enrollment database, including the Government of Canada, and dozens of other organizations and governments around the world (see here).


  • Deeply Practical Project Management – The essential project management best practices, available as a book, through onsite training, and as the world's leading online applied PM course with more than 70K students and 3M minutes watched a year.
  • The Living Internet – The original reference about the Internet, its main technologies, and the human history, with input from many of the people that created the Internet. The first Web published book, posted live on January 7, 2000.

    An interview I did covering the history of the Internet from Vannevar Bush's visionary Memex through the Sputnik satellite to the World Wide Web can be found here.
  • Best Of War & Peace – A selection of the very best 10% of one of the best books of all time.

Essays & Papers

  • Team Human The opportunity to solve almost all our problems at once.
  • Fun Standard A standard for organizational fun, republished widely such as in The TQM Magazine and Taiwan Daily News, with translations in five languages, and a free poster download.
  • Public Party Financing – A paper describing a simple and fair method, which MP Mark Assad told me he copied to all his fellow Liberal Members of Parliament, and kindly mentioned in the House of Commons when very similar legislation passed in 2003 (Hansard, 37th Parl, 2nd session, #115, 2003-06-10, T1205).
  • Proportional Representation – A simple and fair method, including an open source software application, prepared for the Canadian Royal Commission on Electoral Reform of 1989.
  • Perspectives – Essays on Affirmative Action, Capitalism and Socialism, The UN Charter, Abbie Hoffman, Chaos Theory, Individual and Collective Rights, Changing Constitutions, and Giving Women the Vote.


  • EnterpriseLibre – I founded Cirrus Computing to develop an all open source enterprise in a cloud, integrated from all of the very best open source software, available anywhere over the Internet over virtual desktops.  And it was recursive, with any one enterprise able to produce more enterprises.  I ran the company from 2007 to 2017.
  • – Public Wiki with collections of good open source software, info on history, organizations, etc.  No longer have time to maintain, and cannot open it to the public since the spammers would quickly overrun it, so not sure what I will do with it. 
  • Code – Open source software for: Construction of geodesic domes in multiple dimensions, Proportional representation for election results, Fuzzy logic linear programming, AVL trees, and Website navigation.


  • Rotating Cubes – Experiments with three dimensions flipping around in two.



  • Philosophy – Graphical explanations of:

    *   Why Are We Are Similar?
    *   Why No-one Is Best
    *   Your Intelligence In Perspective
    *   Anyone Know Why We Are Here?
    *   Design Builtin To Our Universe
    *   Is There Any Trend?
    *   Four To Start
    *   Expanding Consciousness


  • Best Songs Of All Time / Spotify URI - The best songs on Spotify, self-propelled, with an essential idea at the core, unfolding in a natural, almost automatic fashion, speaking to something in us we need to hear, containing an inner life, and can be listened to again and again, more than 400 songs mixing country, folk, pop, rap, and rock.


  • Genealogy – Genealogical research on the two sides of my family, and of my wife's family.  Thanks to the magic of genetic genealogy, it turns out that on my mother's side I am descended from Robert III, King of Scots, and on my father's side in a straight male line from Alexander Stewart, Fourth High Steward of Scotland.  Hence the coat of arms at the top of this page.
  • William Stewart II – My father, who had the most fun a human being could have flying some of the original jet fighter planes, risking his life to help defend the free world during the cold war when it really mattered, and did his duty as a man as best he could.
  • William Albert Mott – My great grandfather, who helped build New Brunswick as mayor of Cambellton and member of the Legislature, with excerpts from the Proceedings of the N.B. Legislature from 1893-1902.